Walk away, water way, it's flowing, float away
Walked up to where they said, this would be the source
Safe they said to drink from here, before it runs it's course
But as I sip I wonder, what is the sources source
Just drink, the old men say to me, let others take that quest
But each one answered differently, so who has answered best
One had a picture in his head, of what he thought to find
When what he found did not conform, he had to change his mind
Another saw but could not see, what would not fit his frame
And so he fell back on his thoughts to make his final claim
Still one more went on tv, and that one most we heard
So for a time I was content, that his was the final word
Calvin "Cheese Grits" Yerke
Girls, I ask that you never stop questioning, and know that parent only means guide. There is no man or woman among us, who is the final authority on all things. It is okay to respond that you do not know, but you should never stop looking. Sometimes people shout with confidence that they are dressed in truth and reason, but often you will come to find that the emperor is truly naked. The people following him are silent or afraid. Nevertheless, do not judge anyone as less for what they believe, but tell the truth respectfully. No one made themselves so no one has the right of arrogance, the right to bully, or the right to belittle. The hardest thing will be to find forgiveness and love for those who treat you in such a manner. Tell the truth, and make the truth a simple matter, by doing what is right from the start.