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  • Writer's pictureScale Lily

Hasse Ola

Updated: Apr 29, 2019

I would have liked to walk Florida in my Great Grandfather's Day.

In the lower lands there lived a boy, by the big water and two huts down from the girl Talisa, there lived the boy called Hasse Ola. Where Kissimmee walks and disappears into the Okeechobee, in the land of Menewa and from the belly of Mausi begins the tale of Hasse Ola. "Push.. breathe,' the midwife sings, 'push… breathe," the same song since night fall last.  With Mausi's tears, her pain and strength,  his head now starts to show. "Here he is,' the midwife's song now changed, 'here he is a little man." From the window shines a single ray, of light upon his frame. Just in time to show the boy and also lend it's name. "I shall call him Hasse Ola, and he will be a great man one day... just like his father." The boy grew fast and mostly out of doors, for he loved the woods and water.

- Calvin "Cheese Grits" Yerke


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